Coastal Management in West-Sumatra
The marine protected area Pieh is the result of a bilateral co-operation project between Indonesia and Germany in the field of Marine Sciences.

Part I
of this project page is the presentation of the past (1992-1997) general situation in the coastal zone of Padang , provincial capital of West-Sumatra. By selecting different coastal “users” by mouse-click, you are welcome to explore the facts and figures of the coastal resources back then. The sometimes contradicting requirements given through different “coastal users” show that there is no managing concept yet.
Apart from the coastal zone and the coastal users presented here, you will find some information regarding the Bung Hatta University (BHU), one of our partners in Indonesia, a publication list and theses list of related topics, a list of scientific international guests since 1992 and some aerial photos.
Part II
Is the situation as per today (2017), after the implementation of a Marine Protected Area MPA of almost 40.000 ha around the islands of Pieh, Pandan, Bando and Sipakal. Since 2010 there is active management of the MPA with regular monitoring of reefs inside and outside of the so-called “TWP Pieh” (Taman Wisata Perairan, the Indonesian name for the protection status of this MPA).
Take a tour of Padang, and see the usage zones surrounding the protected area. It is worth taking a look!
Archive of scientific publications, presentations, posters and movies related to the MPA Pieh.